Saturday, September 29, 2007

I have a boringer life than Jan and I am just fine with that.

It has been very busy around here. Boy, for someone who does nothing!!!! Bam! September has come and is almost gone... Having Jan here for two weeks was wonderful and don't tell her how much I have missed her. Nobody does the laundry, or gets my car washed....or swept out...
We had a lot of fun in spite of the circumstances. She says she had to leave, but I just don't think she could take the excitement any more....
So I went ahead and had the garage sale...Did fine!!! Then we had the cousins's reunion at Turkey Run; supper on Saturday night and carry in on Sunday noon. It was great. AS we were sitting after dinner and sampling all the sweets (everyone brought a dessert, Duh). A cousin's son (he had to drive her there) made the comment that he didn't care for desserts. I knew then he wasn't a Millikin----everyone else was saying next year , skip the salads and the chicken.!!
I made a "Poodle Skirt" for "50's day. I was the only person in the whole place who dressed for it.
Had the second jewelry party for a friend. Did very well. So I get some surprises which I will mail out....
Then I had play group here Friday night. Geez; I was so worn out. I slept soundly until 8; Larry left to go clean (and I let him) but I did get up and dressed and to Curves for the first time in several months. Let's just say I needed it. Then it was nap time!!!! Slept hard for 2 .5 hours!!! I may do something tomorrow.
Larry had shingles beginning a day or two before Jan left. Coincidence? i don't think so. Fortunately he didn't let it go too long===----he had a sinus infection and that is really why he went to Dr., but he is much better and healed. Hopefully he won't have them for another 25 years.
Derek arrives in town Thursday. Sure do miss both him and Trev. Always glad to hear from them when they call....
It is getting late...and I need more rest. Hard to beleive, but it is true.
Good night again, my friend.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I love being at your house! You and "my Warry" are my family and I will be glad when we live closer together again.