Saturday, November 3, 2007

We are finally back home. Or almost

The powers that be finally have let us (Nursing Administration) return home---which is designated as Pyle Basement. It is so nice to be home!!!! There were a few changes and I think that will all work out fine. As soon as I can find my desk---it is very loaded. But Kathy's office is looking very good. And I am sure she didn't really mean to knock the "boss's day " plant that I got her off the top of the desk. But she has decided that the silk philo trees look especially nice in her office. So I will repot the BD plant and put it in my office---probably switch it out with a much nicer , larger one just to confuse her....but that will be awhile.

While moving an office (actually two in my case) sounds so simple but unfortunately, a.) we didn't take all our furniture because it wouldn't have fit and b.) because there was some furniture there. But we did get five offices of new (to us) furniture and that was interesting to get them together. Most of us moved our own "boxes of stuff" . We did have alot of furniture "tagged" telling the movers where it was to go. But it was confusing to us, let alone outsiders. The locks were moved for the offices; we brought our phones and the lines were made hot. Then we were asked to bring our computers (in previous years we weren't allowed to move them...) Most did play very nice.

Of course, Mrs Klutz here rammed a "cart" up on the back of her ankle just for fun and games. But the move went on.

So we were getting things going fairly well.....when the lady in medical records asked when we were moving those files. Kathy just looked at me and I said I would go......What we thought was a couple hours job is an all day event. I knew moving the actives files was a challenge but remember each resident has a chart in there and we have 220 residents.....some have 2-3 charts.... The movers said they would come back to do that. So it will be inconvenient for medical records for a few days. ---no big deal except the clerical person left for two weeks vacation starting 11/6 ; the records administrator isn't ----I don't know how to say it nicely, but she has to take too many medications to make it thru the day. Not Stable Mable. Nice person, but .....

About 4:00, I was helping the infection control lady put the computer, etc wires under her desk...she was lifting, I was on the floor...when it was decided that since the supervisors office in Mitchell probably didn't have a lock, we should move as much as we possibly

So we each grab a cart (these are about 3' wide and 5 foot long with handles very hard to control. ) and stroll over to Mitchell. Buildings are in the shape of a huge horseshoe.,......Pyle building at the very bottom; Dehart-where we came from at the top of one side and you guessed it, Mitchell is at the very top of the other side. Oh, well, it was a change of scenery...Just for the record, one can go from building to building thru hallways, etc.

We found out there was a lock on the door---the fact files (personnel type files) were under another lock and key. So we just took what was needed----which is a considerable amount.

The agency staff come to this office to sign in and get their assignaments, the regular staff know where they are going, but there are "floats", but this office also keeps track of who is sick, on vacation, etc....and just the general staffing. So we get it all back over to Pyle before any major collapsing. So are we done? Partly. We had stuff stored in the medi station---which was moved to Pyle also; but I don't have storage like I did before, so that may be interesting; I have three linen carts in Dehart that have to come over....this too is storage. I have gone thru part of it...If I was really smart I would work Tuesday (Election Day) and take it some other time.

But that is n't me. We still have to locate some large tables...that were put in storage...

Kathy saw me and said there is aproblem with the fax. "Paul, Anny is here". When Kathy does that she has just about reached her limit and I take over. Seems they wanted to put MY fax machine in the "copier/communications office." Fine, I have no problem with that. We do wish to hook up the copier as our fax, but i mentioned that would be at a later date. No one had any desire to argue with me.

So while there is still alot to do, we will have our Wednesday, 1:15 Managers meeting in the new conference room; Kathy's office looks good. And we are kinda at the end of the hall so it should be quieter....Oh, yes, the DON, and ADON's now have their designated parking spaces back!!!! So we no longer have to hike to work......When the adon's and don aren't there I get to park in their places!!!! And once one gets in the building it is a piece of cake to get to our offices. I could even skate board that distance (very short).

Yes it is kinda an ordeal, but we are so glad to be back in civilization with the gift shop and the snack bar (which opens the 5th) just on the first floor of Pyle and not 3 miles away. And the Post office and the administrative offices and the supply room and the switchboard!!! Yep, life is good.

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