Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Would someone explain why in the last 6 months I have food stains on almost all my clothes....and I really like to eat that much.
Thanks to friends, I got them out before going to this afternoon's meeting.
Derek informed me that if WE got 140,000 more points on my capital one card, WE could get a Xbox 360. He has a budget of $40,000 for Penn's expenses so If I just spend $30,000 on the card we could get one. WE could share it, too. He would keep it at his house and I could play anytime I wanted too. (I can see Larry grabbing his heart right now)... Derek is just a hoot.
Had Lunch with Jana and Jackie today. They crack me up.... The hour just flies by and I can't believe it is time to go back to work.
Just to keep the record straight, It is Max Roy;
And In all my years of driving I have had only one speeding ticket; my mother never got any. Ask Jan how many she has gotten.???? Hmmmm
Obviously not much is going on here. We found out today that the maintenance department has just finished painting Pyle building......with Latex paint. We have to be latex free....due to allergies... I am thinking that after it dries it doesn't matter. But I don't know that.....
Maybe we will move the end of September.

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