Saturday, July 14, 2007

Who likes to paint? Or why do funny things only happen to Jan.

This week has been interesting; We had an auditor come in----res tried lighting a cigarette while inhaling his oxygen.. Remember oxygen doesn't usually explode, but it does burn. The man is a little singed but at least he isn't badly burned. Fortunately every thing was done that could be possibly done and it was all signed, sealed and documented!!!! While the auditor was on the floor checking charts, my boss phoned me---(Her office is just across the hall...) She was having severe chest pains---again. Short story is I took her to ER; she phoned her husband who was in Frankfort and I stayed until he got there. Of course, as soon as she got outside, she said she felt better---I just said that is nice---and get in the truck. I am so caring. (I was very concerned but otherwise she wouldn't have gone.) Just for the record, I have not been in the emergency room at St. E for quite a few years....And would have taken her to the wrong place is she hadn't been able to tell me.---so just a hint, do check out the emergency room entrances occasionally...just in case.
She goes to cardiologist next week, but they never find anything (She hasn't had as many of these attacks since the gall bladder was removed.) She is fine and dandy---except she is getting her hearing checked and probably getting hearing aides. No more mumbling with her around....
Oh the auditor didn't have any findings and that is great news. All is well for the moment.

I am very concerned about Jan....But i won't let her know!!!! Offered to go down--what else can I do????

Larry's sister is getting worse with the alzheimer's---didn't get dressed for two days ; third day she got dressed over her jammies. Her daughter doesn't see that she should go in and get her dressed, etc.... I will be glad when they get her into a nursing home. Janet has cysts in her breasts, so they are going for tests...
Derek is in Chicago this weekend---seminar and then visiting with friends.

Larry and I cleaned at his intermittent client's....then I came hom eand started priming. Most of the wall-board is bare and just soaks up the primer. But so far it looks wonderful. I got the south wall and part of the ceiling done (1/8th)---and then the back wall to the door. Have maybe a cup of primer left. My arm muscles just gave out. Of course, this stuff goes everywhere---. I looked like I ran into a paint sprayer; and it took SCRUBBING to get it off. So I quit about 2:30 p.m. and got a shower and into my jammies. I may or may not leave the place.
When finished it will have a white ceiling and light gray walls....There may be some black and/or red trim.....hmmmmm. I have two walls cleared....So they will have to be finished so I can put stuff back and then do the third wall. And doing the ceiling around the edge until stuff is put back so I can do the middle.
Jim and Carrie are in Denver,this weekend, trying to rent her an apartment for the end of august. I sure hate to see her go and I know her parents feel the same way!!!!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I LOVE reading these entries. LYB