Saturday, July 21, 2007

Lunch with a Classmate

During this past week Patsy Dillon Holycross said she was coming to her mothers' and they wanted to come to Lafayette to shop---could I meet them for lunch. Of course! And it was nice. I would have recognized Viola---because I have seen pictures of her, but she said she wouldn't have known me. They both couldn't get over how nice my teeth were (Guess I hadn't seen Pat in over two years.) I told them I was now just another pretty face. They laughed.
They lost David a couple weeks ago---They are taking it pretty good at least when they are around people. Viola lives very close (across the street maybe) from Jimmy so has his children to enjoy. (Darlington) And Viola mentioned she has seen Sharon from time to time in Crawfordsville and that they don't live very far from each other. We did have a nice visit and then they went to Jo-Ann Fabrics and on to Hobby Lobby.
I came home and changed clothes and in an hour was sound asleep. Was sleeping really good and the phone rang--Derek just checking in. Said he thought he had called late enough to miss my nap (okay, it was 4;30) but I just yelled for Larry to get the phone.
Derek would prefer we wait to come out----seems roommates and he aren't totally compatible...He says wants to get his own place--maybe buy something in January. So with Jan's neck/shoulder, etc, that will work out. Jan had suggested we just go, but I don't want to go in a hostile environment--so maybe I 'll just take a few days off here and there.....
We will see what happens and I am sure I still have my ticket from last December....for a round trip somewhere (MB?).
We did clean the offices this a.m. so I can work in the garage tomorrow. Larry got a lot of the ceiling painted but some of the paper strips that might have sealed, didn't, so they have to be redone. I may go out and do that this evening....after he goes to bed.
So one and 2/3 of a wall of primer and we will be ready to start PAINTING. Hooray.
I am getting excited....and ready to get it finished...but it will still take several weekends to finish it. Oh well, I am slow, but cute.

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joshua said...
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