Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Would someone explain why in the last 6 months I have food stains on almost all my clothes....and I really like to eat that much.
Thanks to friends, I got them out before going to this afternoon's meeting.
Derek informed me that if WE got 140,000 more points on my capital one card, WE could get a Xbox 360. He has a budget of $40,000 for Penn's expenses so If I just spend $30,000 on the card we could get one. WE could share it, too. He would keep it at his house and I could play anytime I wanted too. (I can see Larry grabbing his heart right now)... Derek is just a hoot.
Had Lunch with Jana and Jackie today. They crack me up.... The hour just flies by and I can't believe it is time to go back to work.
Just to keep the record straight, It is Max Roy;
And In all my years of driving I have had only one speeding ticket; my mother never got any. Ask Jan how many she has gotten.???? Hmmmm
Obviously not much is going on here. We found out today that the maintenance department has just finished painting Pyle building......with Latex paint. We have to be latex free....due to allergies... I am thinking that after it dries it doesn't matter. But I don't know that.....
Maybe we will move the end of September.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Since vacation plans had changed, I decided to take a couple days off--lets face it, one can only take it so long and then the surveyors had been there a week; I wanted out. I did offer to stay since surveyors were coming back, but Kathy insisted I go ahead. Ha HA (Then I find out that they stayed Wed and Thurs. Oh well....
I have worked in the garage most of this time off. Today I finished painting the ceiling and put the primer on the "walls" that couldn't be reached before. Larry had picked up an extension/applicance cord so when I got home last night I just had to put it in...well, I moved the cupboards a little and the center shelves moved-and a gal of mineral spirits landed on my left foot. At least it al most matches the right foot. So I moved on to the next thing on my list...
I moved everything to the other side; placing the garage sale stuff clear in the back and leaving access to all the tools. How is that for planning......
Swept the floor and after I finished as much painting as I could do today; I poured vinegar and baking soda on the floor. to Soak.
I really felt like i got alot done, but as always ---more to do. Used what little paint was left in the spray can for the swing.----need more.
Larry got upset with me because I tried to tell him the level was laying there---not in something and he couldn't find it. I walked over and found it right away. Of course that wasn't where I had said.....But he doesn't like it when I just ask him to move and I will get the tool---no just tell me. You got it---no win...Trying to avoid them, but impossible working in the garage which may be part of the reason I want to get it DONE. NOW.
While I was spraying the swing, he decided he would just go clean the one offices!!!!
Larry had found a slip cover for the small recliner--at Dollar store---but it didn't fit. I am going to put it in the garage sale. He doesn't like it or the cover that is on it. He returned it last night. Then he had picked up a small venetian blind for the garage...But forgot the size, got a 36" instead of 45". He asked me why I didn't see it was the wrong size. (I never looked at it.)
Saturday Lynne and I are going to Indy. I am looking forward to relaxing---haven't been sleeping well. Don't need anything. Just going to get out a little. Something different.The list is shrinking. Have a busy week next week---Tuesday-Home Ec. Carry in; Wed night is Managers' Birthday dinner and Kathy suggested invited the new Superintendent and his wife (going to T.G.I Fridays) which is my favorite. Then Friday Play group is going to Ann's just south of Covington, on 63 near Perrysville.
Larry is due back and I am going to fix just a couple of hamburgers...Chips and a veggie.
I am tired.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

It is August; It is Summer and It is Indiana

So there may be a little heat and a little humidity. Why is everyone always so surprised that we have this weather.????? Happens pretty much every year.... Are these the same people who complain about how cold it gets??? Duh. Can't really speak for other states as I have never lived in another state, but geez, if you don't like the weather, just stick around, it will change.
Now that I have that off my chest, I feel better... Long two weeks at work. Possible HIPAA violation-- so I was appointed "in charge" and we went thru records trying to find addresses of next of kin of 299 deceased residents (there were 30 who transferred away and about 30 who were still residents in addition to the 299). To find addresses we had to look in storage boxes for 98, 99,00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, ....Each year has approximately 50 boxes and of course each resident has more than one "chart" so that resident's information that is suspose to be in box 39, may also to be box 38, and 40. Three ladies would search the boxes and find addresses while I wrote them down. Then a volunteer and I would wrestle those boxes back into storage. Took us 2 1/2 days. Then the fun began. Lets just say I was volunteered to get the letters out--so I learned to merge and put all those addresses in the data file. Even printed the letters. The bad news? Sent them to be signed and the letter (which I had nothing to do with) had a wrong middle initial. The person from the department of health screwed up. So Life was lovely and the lady who was to check for typos had just started when the dept of Health walked in for their annual survey. This means they give us a list of different items they want to see. Ranging from our Director of Nursing's RN license to a list of residents on dialysis to policies and procedures. They also request a list of the licensed beds and where they are located. Normally this is the administrator's secretary's job, but she is new and so I put it together and I might add, I was very close to being correct. But Kathy reviewed it and we got it straightened out and she even showed me where to get the info. We got it all together and now we just wait for them to see what else they would like to see. So I started reprinting my letters with the right middle initial of our superintendent. Tomorrow I am going to learn to print merged envelopes.!!! The excitement just doesn't end.
Derek called while on the road. Asked if I had ever been to Bakersfield. I said I thought that was where Roy Rogers museum was.... And if so, I had been through there only. He thought it looked like Indiana only all brown,. Told him it was real close to IN as we hadn't had much rain.
H e said he will be taking pictures on the way home on Friday---coming down the Pacific Highway.
Larry is putting in an outdoor outlet on the porch. Yes, in 90+ heat and I got to help. I want to curl up and nap, but I did go help and found something long enough to go thru the make a hole in the siding from the inside.... Hopefully it will cool off this weekend so we can paint half the garage floor.!!!!! (it is just to humid now). Larry also put in another new light in the basement---is putting in a new light...I am not sure you can see better....
I guess I am going to fix some sandwiches for supper; crochet awhile and see if Jan joins me this evening....on the computer...
Catch you later....