Saturday, July 21, 2007

Lunch with a Classmate

During this past week Patsy Dillon Holycross said she was coming to her mothers' and they wanted to come to Lafayette to shop---could I meet them for lunch. Of course! And it was nice. I would have recognized Viola---because I have seen pictures of her, but she said she wouldn't have known me. They both couldn't get over how nice my teeth were (Guess I hadn't seen Pat in over two years.) I told them I was now just another pretty face. They laughed.
They lost David a couple weeks ago---They are taking it pretty good at least when they are around people. Viola lives very close (across the street maybe) from Jimmy so has his children to enjoy. (Darlington) And Viola mentioned she has seen Sharon from time to time in Crawfordsville and that they don't live very far from each other. We did have a nice visit and then they went to Jo-Ann Fabrics and on to Hobby Lobby.
I came home and changed clothes and in an hour was sound asleep. Was sleeping really good and the phone rang--Derek just checking in. Said he thought he had called late enough to miss my nap (okay, it was 4;30) but I just yelled for Larry to get the phone.
Derek would prefer we wait to come out----seems roommates and he aren't totally compatible...He says wants to get his own place--maybe buy something in January. So with Jan's neck/shoulder, etc, that will work out. Jan had suggested we just go, but I don't want to go in a hostile environment--so maybe I 'll just take a few days off here and there.....
We will see what happens and I am sure I still have my ticket from last December....for a round trip somewhere (MB?).
We did clean the offices this a.m. so I can work in the garage tomorrow. Larry got a lot of the ceiling painted but some of the paper strips that might have sealed, didn't, so they have to be redone. I may go out and do that this evening....after he goes to bed.
So one and 2/3 of a wall of primer and we will be ready to start PAINTING. Hooray.
I am getting excited....and ready to get it finished...but it will still take several weekends to finish it. Oh well, I am slow, but cute.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Who likes to paint? Or why do funny things only happen to Jan.

This week has been interesting; We had an auditor come in----res tried lighting a cigarette while inhaling his oxygen.. Remember oxygen doesn't usually explode, but it does burn. The man is a little singed but at least he isn't badly burned. Fortunately every thing was done that could be possibly done and it was all signed, sealed and documented!!!! While the auditor was on the floor checking charts, my boss phoned me---(Her office is just across the hall...) She was having severe chest pains---again. Short story is I took her to ER; she phoned her husband who was in Frankfort and I stayed until he got there. Of course, as soon as she got outside, she said she felt better---I just said that is nice---and get in the truck. I am so caring. (I was very concerned but otherwise she wouldn't have gone.) Just for the record, I have not been in the emergency room at St. E for quite a few years....And would have taken her to the wrong place is she hadn't been able to tell me.---so just a hint, do check out the emergency room entrances occasionally...just in case.
She goes to cardiologist next week, but they never find anything (She hasn't had as many of these attacks since the gall bladder was removed.) She is fine and dandy---except she is getting her hearing checked and probably getting hearing aides. No more mumbling with her around....
Oh the auditor didn't have any findings and that is great news. All is well for the moment.

I am very concerned about Jan....But i won't let her know!!!! Offered to go down--what else can I do????

Larry's sister is getting worse with the alzheimer's---didn't get dressed for two days ; third day she got dressed over her jammies. Her daughter doesn't see that she should go in and get her dressed, etc.... I will be glad when they get her into a nursing home. Janet has cysts in her breasts, so they are going for tests...
Derek is in Chicago this weekend---seminar and then visiting with friends.

Larry and I cleaned at his intermittent client's....then I came hom eand started priming. Most of the wall-board is bare and just soaks up the primer. But so far it looks wonderful. I got the south wall and part of the ceiling done (1/8th)---and then the back wall to the door. Have maybe a cup of primer left. My arm muscles just gave out. Of course, this stuff goes everywhere---. I looked like I ran into a paint sprayer; and it took SCRUBBING to get it off. So I quit about 2:30 p.m. and got a shower and into my jammies. I may or may not leave the place.
When finished it will have a white ceiling and light gray walls....There may be some black and/or red trim.....hmmmmm. I have two walls cleared....So they will have to be finished so I can put stuff back and then do the third wall. And doing the ceiling around the edge until stuff is put back so I can do the middle.
Jim and Carrie are in Denver,this weekend, trying to rent her an apartment for the end of august. I sure hate to see her go and I know her parents feel the same way!!!!
Derek turned 33 this past Thursday. He will be su... Are you sure it is Saturday?
Derek turned 33 this past Thursday. He will be surprised when he gets his Birthday Box---3 cartons (?) (each carton has 12 packs) of his favorite gum(that he can't find in CA.) . We only went to 4 stores to find it. And I am not mentioning the shipping costs. Geez. I could have flown it out there cheaper. Maybe we should start connecting up with the sons on their birthdays and Christmas....Hmmm...The past week was interesting....I think the fireworks started Saturday night; until 12; then Sunday there were more till 11:00p.m.; also on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights till 11:30 p.m. I use to like fireworks, but not having to get up in the morning at 6 a.m....I became very tired and very cranky....New city law says they can be used for two hours after dusk for three days prior to the holiday....Not good news in this neighborhood....Quite a nice show, but not much sleep. I did discover that I can sit on the front porch and watch SIA's fireworks show which was beautiful---despite the late hour. I do miss taking The Boys to see them. Derek has always loved them----probably because his birthday was the next day.\Larry remembers the night before he was born---we were sitting in the front yard about dusk and neighbor, Jack, came down to visit and asked when I was going to deliver that baby!!! Possibly I was slightly large....I told him I had been in labor since noon, but it kept stopping. The poor man fled to the safety of his front porch.. Told him I wanted to see fireworks and then we would honk as we drove out of the subdivision to the hospital (at that time only our street was paved in the subdivision. )I was tempted to send sparklers in Derek's Birthday box, but was afraid of fire laws, etc, that I would possibly be arrested.... But he would have enjoyed them.I went to a co-workers' daughters wedding last evening---and Larry cleaned the smaller office...good deal I thought, but this morning we went to clean the other office and someone was there. Hate cleaning it when someone is trying to work. Why aren't they out on the golf course like normal people????I was so sleepy by the time we got home (we had stopped at a couple garage sales on the way homezzzzzzzzzzzz0 that I laid down and napped. I have acquired canker sores this week and not only do I not wear my lower dentures, (except to the wedding), I have been putting all kinds of medicine on it and washing my mouth out with salt water... I just noticed a third one coming in!!!!! The other two are craters, you know. I increased the Lysine, too. Kill or cure methods, but i sure feel lousy. Just enough to not want to start working on a project---like taping the two side walls in the garage....which I WILL DO tomorrow. We stopped at Mennards on the way home too, and got spackling and tape...It was very warm and super high humidity and I was glad to be indoors...It has started to cool off now.While walking last week, we saw a yard that had three trees between the house and street, along the driveway...It was very nice and I said so. We now have three dwarf trees along our driveway.... I think we have over done the flowers, etc for this year. ha ha. But it is colorful.

Jan makes me laugh....

Jan makes me laugh....
Jan makes me laugh.... I got a chuckle from Jan's comment on here---I have to do everything she does---HA. I am still in Indiana (and probably won't leave the state for more than a visit); It does drive her crazy that I can crochet and she can't.......I sew too......Despite it all, she is my best friend (says so much about how many friends I have). but it is true and she is always there for me. We are lucky that we have quite a few friends. Most people don't have that many...especially OLD friends from high school. I may not get to "write" them as much I would like (and vice versa), but It is such a comfort to know I can count on them. and they won't think i am too weird.